

Associated with the sofa, the coffee table is an essential part of the living room: nerve center of the stay, it is she who brings friends and family together for a friendly moment! My Customized Interior enlighten you today on the criteria to be taken into account before you start your purchase, whether style or function.

A furniture to do everything

The coffee table has evolved in recent years: before furniture ceremonial, it has become in a few decades a multifunctional element essential to everyday life! To avoid deceiving your choice, think ahead of the utility you want to give your future furniture: eat daily? Snack an aperitif or a snack from time to time with your friends? Storing your books? Exhibit your deco treasures? The answer will naturally guide you to the most suitable model. The brands offer indeed tables incorporating storage, removable trays or even seats that slide under the central tray to eat around like a real dining table.

If you like deco, why not opt ​​for a model showcase with a transparent tray, under which you can expose the trinkets and grigrils that are dear to you? If, on the contrary, your coffee table serves as an extra desk, consider a model with drawers in which you can store your laptop and your papers …

If you can not find the coffee table of your dreams, why not make it yourself with a natural wooden tray and hairpin legs, these trombone feet that can be found on the net ? (Photo: Homelisty)

All styles are in nature 

Depending on the style you want to give to your stay, you can vary the shapes and materials of your future table, without forgetting to give it to your sofa! Fans of traditional atmospheres will opt for a rectangular format, with a large tray to put a maximum of objects during informal receptions. If your stay is more in the cocoon movement, head to round shapes, or even nesting coffee tables! The latter will also be suitable for small spaces since they occupy a minimum surface when they are arranged one above the other.

Perfect for a Scandinavian atmosphere, these coffee tables also serve as storage for plaids, cushions or soft toys of the small denier! (Photo: Deco planet)

For maximum comfort, always opt for a coffee table the same height as your sofa, lower if necessary. Its dimensions will depend mainly on the surface of your room and the square meters available in the center of it. Make sure that the table does not “eat” the entire volume of your living room, or on the contrary that it does not seem lost in the middle of the sofa and armchairs that surround it! You must be able to circulate at your ease all around, a minimum of 50cm between the tray and the sofa is therefore essential

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